Monday, 31 December 2007


Hi there everybody!I'm here in London, having fun and driving crazy for all the cool people I see!First two days I felt a bit 'stranger', and as I like to say, I was like a dog, that before doing something,I need to know the place.So today I started shooted pics, of some guys, But I want to tell you that I'm doing my job properly, But you have to wait till Saturday to see the pics published!I'm sorry for the delay, but this time I prefered to leave my computer at home!Have a nice new year's eve!LoveI'm working in 'Catch' in Shoerditch tonight, so pass by and say HI!With Love

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Appeal to The Eye meets VANIDAD

Or better to say VANIDAD meets me, or found me.
I'm so happy and honoured to comunicate you my friends that the famous spanish magazine 'VANIDAD' renovated its website to celebrate its 15th anniversary, and in its Rock the Blog, after a peculiar investigation, added me...I mean ME and my APPEAL TO THE EYE to its page, advising me as a 'cool' blog to the public, together with other famous and interesting blogs.
I can't believe it happened just three months later I startes this 'project'. But this is, first of all, thanks to you, for your support and inspiration you've given me day by day.
Thank you so much guys and thank you so much VANIDAD!

Keep supporting me!

with Love

Barcelona - On the street

Friday, 7 December 2007

Barcelona - Boombox Party 12/06/07

Not all the pictures are going to be published today!
So, for all those of you, who's looking for his/her pic and there's not here, don't worry, look for it tomorrow!
Thank you everybody for your support and of course your poses!
with Love

Tuesday, 4 December 2007