Sunday 19 April 2009


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Esta es una de las fotos que saqué cuando fui al concierto de SYNCOOP, quiero hablar de ellos porque, además de no ser mi estilo de música que escucho cada día, han atraido mi atención gracias a los sonidos de su nuevo CD 'Professional Dreamer', que contiene 6 canciones nuevas juntas a las tres famosas 'bornthanreborn', y 'Virginia', aunque mis favoritas se queden TOYS y 'IF I ONLY COULD';
Son un grupo de chicos que no tienen 70 años en 4, pero con ganas de llegar a la meta que se han establecido en la cabeza. Su CV consta de muchas actuaciones live por todo el terrirtorio italiano, y ahora están decididos llegar a america (USA) gracias a la contratación por parte de un producer americano que les ha descubierto a través de su myspace, que goza de mínimo 10000 listener al día;
El grupo está compuesto por Stefano (guitarra), Nicola (bajo), Mattia (voz) y Pietro (batería); sus estilo no es muy lo que appeal to the eye aprueba pero si que sus canciones me transmiten algo en el profundo y por eso he decidido que se merecen unas palabras a favor de lo que hacen;
Así que ir a su myspace y escuchar las canciones.


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This is a picture I took at the SYNCOOP concert last year, I'm writing about them because even if it is not my daily type of music I listen to I felt in love with the sound of this young guys, who don't make 70 years the 4 together.
They've already played in several stages around italian territory and now are ready to cross the ocean to enter the USA music territory thanks to an american producer who loved their music and decided to make them grow up; and actually they are growing uo properly, also due to the fact that their myspace profile receives almost 10000 visits and listenings per day;
the group is composed by Stefano (guitar), Mattia (Voice), Nicola (Bass), and Pietro (drummer);
These are good words for these guys for what they do not for what they are, I mean I'm not criticizing their style but I'm totally approving their music, that transmits me feelings and of course make me think to my teenage years! Hope to have the opportunity to attend to another concert soon;
So to have your own opinion go to their myspace


Laura* said...

No conocia este grupo!

Art Dealer Barcelona said...

No los conozco pero tienen buena pinta, investigare sobre ellos... gracias por la info!!!

Eeli said...

Doll its been a while :*(

I've bookmarked their page and will check them out in the morning lol. Right now though? I seriously NEEEEEEEEED the sleep! haha

Hope you've been well on your end! :)D

xx Eeli

Anonymous said...

hey, your comment was beyond sweet, really made me smile! yours is quite refreshing compared to other street style blogs etc. real cool!
of course we can exchange links, already added you to my blogroll, darl!