Friday 27 February 2009

Sky Europe Inflight Magazine

Jajajaja, que divertido, he encontrado googling my name, este articulo que han escrito sobre mi. Fue una entrevista que me hicieron hace más de un año, y acabo de encontrarla. De lo que me acuerdo, y del nombre de la revista creo que sea un magazine que ponen en los gustaría saber adonde ha volado el nombre de APPEAL TO THE EYE.
Verrrrry interesting. Si quereis ver mejor la entrevista/articulo, aunque hayan hecho un error muyyyyyy grande (o sea MARIOS Y FEBRUARY son marcas italiaaaaanaaasssss, no españolas), pero bueno.

hahahaha, it's very funny, I was googling my name and I found this interview they did with me almost a year ago or more. From the name of the magazine and from what I can remember it's a flight magazine, a magazine you find on airplanes, very funny, would like to know where the APPEAL TO THE EYE had flown to.....
any ways, if you want ot read it click on the link below:

Much Love
Verena Stefanie Grotto

1 comment:

. said...

i went to barcelona around the end of 2007 and loved it. everyone was friendly, and from what i saw the style there was much more urban, they had their own style. went to la rambla for one whole day and it was just great, they had entertainers along the street and things were cheap. what appealed to me in spain was the night life. i came across a man who was tap-dancing on a sheet of cardboard and everyone was just looking at him, it was amaazing. spain's practically like the one place i want to have a life at, you're lucky to be a part of it! and love your blog! it's like the cobra snake in a different way.