estas niñas que la mayoría no tienen más de 17 años son una verdadera inspiración.
De las miles que hay, me he 'enamorado' de dos especificadamente, y hoy os voy a presentar una de ellas: Almah.
No es la típica belleza sueca por estereotípo, no es rubia! Pero si que tiene la típica belleza sueca que la mayoría de nosotras envidiamos: nariz pequeñita, piel blanca y limpia, belleza 'acqua e sapone' como solemos decir en Italia.
Así que, le hice una entrevista, para saber un poco más sobre esta chavalita tan espabilada.
What’s you entire name? Alma Magdalena Helgesson
computer, read fashion magazines, go out partying and shopping.
(Estudio musica. Toco la batería y la guitarra y canto a veces.
Pero estudio baile y actuación también. Me encanta la moda y
disfrazarme, y me encanta la música obviamente.
Durante el tiempo libre suelo salir con amigos,
viajar por el net, leer fashion revistas, ir de compras
y salir de fiesta.
When did you discover your love for fashion?
I've always beenintrested in clothes, but my serious interest in fashion started
about 2,5 year ago.
Siempre me interesó la moda, pero de manera más
profunda fue a partir de hace unos 2 años y medio.
When did you open your blog? In January 2007.
Why did you decide to do that? I wanted to try just for fun, to see
if I could do it too.
A principio fue solo por diviertimiento,
para ver si podía, conseguía hacerlo.
What was the first idea you had in opening it? Didn't really have
any, unfortunatly. It was just a random boring 'fashion'-blog in
the begining.
Sinceramente no tuve una idea específica, fue así
porque si. Otro más de los
blog de moda aburridos.
What do you want to show with your blog? My style.
I see your style has changed so much, in better way ; ), in less
than 2years, what’s happen to you?suddenly? I don't know, I guess
everybody changes, especially when your finding your own style,
which I feel like I have now.
No se creo que cada uno cambia en los años.
Especialmente hasta que no encuentres TU estilo,
que yo creo haber encontrado ahora.
How old are you? 16
Where do you live? In Tranås, SwedenWhat do you do in your life? I'm in school, in a music-class. I
play the drums and the guitar and I sing a little bit. I also do
dancing and acting. I love fashion and dressing up, and of course
music. In my freetime i like to hang out with friends, sit by theplay the drums and the guitar and I sing a little bit. I also do
dancing and acting. I love fashion and dressing up, and of course
computer, read fashion magazines, go out partying and shopping.
(Estudio musica. Toco la batería y la guitarra y canto a veces.
Pero estudio baile y actuación también. Me encanta la moda y
disfrazarme, y me encanta la música obviamente.
Durante el tiempo libre suelo salir con amigos,
viajar por el net, leer fashion revistas, ir de compras
y salir de fiesta.
When did you discover your love for fashion?
I've always beenintrested in clothes, but my serious interest in fashion started
about 2,5 year ago.
Siempre me interesó la moda, pero de manera más
profunda fue a partir de hace unos 2 años y medio.
When did you open your blog? In January 2007.
Why did you decide to do that? I wanted to try just for fun, to see
if I could do it too.
A principio fue solo por diviertimiento,
para ver si podía, conseguía hacerlo.
What was the first idea you had in opening it? Didn't really have
any, unfortunatly. It was just a random boring 'fashion'-blog in
the begining.
Sinceramente no tuve una idea específica, fue así
porque si. Otro más de los
blog de moda aburridos.
What do you want to show with your blog? My style.
I see your style has changed so much, in better way ; ), in less
than 2years, what’s happen to you?suddenly? I don't know, I guess
everybody changes, especially when your finding your own style,
which I feel like I have now.
No se creo que cada uno cambia en los años.
Especialmente hasta que no encuentres TU estilo,
que yo creo haber encontrado ahora.
Do you feel famous in the Swedish-bloggs-world? A little, at least
in the Swedish fashionblog-world.
Un poquito, o por lo menos en el mundo
de los blogs suecos.
Does somebody recognize you like: ouh you’re alma-h, I love your
blog... and so on…? Yeah, that actually happens sometimes,
especially in bigger cities.
Si, me ha pasado, sobretodo
en ciudades más grandes como Estocolmo.
Have you got any friends between all the bloggers? Yes, but not any
close friends, since most of them live in Stockholm. But I usually
meet many many of them when I go there.
Si, pero no mejores amigos, ya que la mayoría viven en Estocolmo.
Pero encuentro a la mayoría de ellos cuando voy ahí.
You have a lot of people commenting your posts, right? Do you
remember any special compliments you prefered most? Yes, but I
can't remember any special right now, but I feel very flattered
when people tells me they think I'm inspiring, eccentric and
Claro, pero ahora no me acuerdo de uno en particular,
pero si que me enorgulleze mucho recibir comentarios así.
diciendome que inspiro, que soy ecentrica y creativa.
Who take those beautiful pictures of you? Thank you! Mostly myself,
sometimes photographers.
Muchas Gracias. La mayoría las saco yo.
Algunas por fotógrafos.
How would you describe your style? Dressed up and dressed down at
the same time. Kind of colourless.
'dress uo and dress down' al mismo tiempo.
pero siempre con pocos colores.
What do you take inspiration of/from? Eccentric people.
Do you spend a lot of Money in clothes and shoes?
How much per month more or less? (I know it’s not an easy question)
Don't know exactly how much (didn't dare to calculate, haha)
but probably about 2000 SEK per month (=200 euro)
Have you got any plans for your future?
Not any concrete plans, but I would really like to move to a bigger city,
maybe Stockholm or somewhere abroad.
Hopefully work within the fashion industry.
Ningun plan en conrecto ahora, pero
si que me gustaría trabajar en el negocio de la moda, mudarme a
otra grande ciudad, como puede ser
Estocolmo o algo al extranjero.
Espero poder trabajar en el negocio
de la moda.
in the Swedish fashionblog-world.
Un poquito, o por lo menos en el mundo
de los blogs suecos.
Does somebody recognize you like: ouh you’re alma-h, I love your
blog... and so on…? Yeah, that actually happens sometimes,
especially in bigger cities.
Si, me ha pasado, sobretodo
en ciudades más grandes como Estocolmo.
Have you got any friends between all the bloggers? Yes, but not any
close friends, since most of them live in Stockholm. But I usually
meet many many of them when I go there.
Si, pero no mejores amigos, ya que la mayoría viven en Estocolmo.
Pero encuentro a la mayoría de ellos cuando voy ahí.
You have a lot of people commenting your posts, right? Do you
remember any special compliments you prefered most? Yes, but I
can't remember any special right now, but I feel very flattered
when people tells me they think I'm inspiring, eccentric and
Claro, pero ahora no me acuerdo de uno en particular,
pero si que me enorgulleze mucho recibir comentarios así.
diciendome que inspiro, que soy ecentrica y creativa.
Who take those beautiful pictures of you? Thank you! Mostly myself,
sometimes photographers.
Muchas Gracias. La mayoría las saco yo.
Algunas por fotógrafos.
How would you describe your style? Dressed up and dressed down at
the same time. Kind of colourless.
'dress uo and dress down' al mismo tiempo.
pero siempre con pocos colores.
What do you take inspiration of/from? Eccentric people.
Do you spend a lot of Money in clothes and shoes?
How much per month more or less? (I know it’s not an easy question)
Don't know exactly how much (didn't dare to calculate, haha)
but probably about 2000 SEK per month (=200 euro)
Have you got any plans for your future?
Not any concrete plans, but I would really like to move to a bigger city,
maybe Stockholm or somewhere abroad.
Hopefully work within the fashion industry.
Ningun plan en conrecto ahora, pero
si que me gustaría trabajar en el negocio de la moda, mudarme a
otra grande ciudad, como puede ser
Estocolmo o algo al extranjero.
Espero poder trabajar en el negocio
de la moda.
Give me three adjective to describe your-out-self, please:
1-Petite. (pequeña)
2- Freckled.(pecoso)
3- Long har. (pelo largo)
And three to describe your-in-self, please:
1- Smart. (mona)
2- Easy to laugh with (I think). (de risa fácil)
3- Outgoing.
Three adjective for Sweden:
1- Cold. (fría)
2- Good music. (buena música)
3- Good fashion. (buena moda)
Would you recommend to somebody to go and live in Sweden? Yes!
I say heel what do you say? The higher the better.
If I say leather? Love it, in the right amounts.
If I say green? No thanks.
Have you ever been to Barcelona? Will you?
No, I have never been to
Barcelona, but I would love to go there sometime!
Which one is the best place to shop in Stockholm?
Area: Södermalm.
Shop: Weekday.
1-Petite. (pequeña)
2- Freckled.(pecoso)
3- Long har. (pelo largo)
And three to describe your-in-self, please:
1- Smart. (mona)
2- Easy to laugh with (I think). (de risa fácil)
3- Outgoing.
Three adjective for Sweden:
1- Cold. (fría)
2- Good music. (buena música)
3- Good fashion. (buena moda)
Would you recommend to somebody to go and live in Sweden? Yes!
I say heel what do you say? The higher the better.
If I say leather? Love it, in the right amounts.
If I say green? No thanks.
Have you ever been to Barcelona? Will you?
No, I have never been to
Barcelona, but I would love to go there sometime!
Which one is the best place to shop in Stockholm?
Area: Södermalm.
Shop: Weekday.
È bellissima e ha uno stile fantastico... il suo blog è un appuntamento quotidiano !
Bella l'intervista, mi ha fatto piacere saperne ancora di piu su di lei ! :D
oh i love almah so much...she is gorgeous:)
great interview:)
Qué guapa Alma, tiene una cara bellísima!
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